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The specific protein P2,one of the three specific proteins(P1,P2 and P3)in chloroplasts from photoperiod-sensitive genlc malesterile rice previously reported was purlfied through preparative two dimensional gel electrophoresis and preparatwe isoelectric 10-CUSlng(1EF) and from which an uniform P2,checked with SDS-PAGE and IEF,was obtained.The molecular weight and isoelectric point was 61 kD and 5,8,respectively.Therefore P2 was referred as P61.A search in databases revealed that the aminoterminal sequence Of P61 was identical to that of perb unit of chloroplast ATP ase from barley and rice  相似文献   
The energy and activated oxygen metabolisms in male-sterile and fertile anthers of Hubei photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile rice (HPGMR)have been comparatively studied. Among the male-sterile anthers, lower total activities of cytochrome oxidase(COD), ATPase, peroxidase (POD), catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase(SOD) in six anthers of a spikelet were seen, which were equivalent to about 2–64%, 20–76%, 26–60%, 6–77%, 29–55%, respectively, of those of their fertile counterparts during different development stages of pollens. The sterile anthers lacked 1–5, 1, 1–2 isozyme bands of COD, POD and SOD, respectively, and also displayed lower content of ATP, higher contents of H202 and malondiald ehyde (MDA) and higher efficiency of O2- which were equivalent to about 14–77%, 152–424%, 153–238%, 230–340%, respectively, of those of their corresponding fertile ones. It is concluded that the physiological features of male-sterile anthers, viz. lower efficiency of oxidative phosphorylation, higher efficiency of O2 and H202 generation, weaker activity of scavenger system of activated oxygen and higher level of lipid peroxidation, are indicative of some relationship between abnormal energy, activated oxygen metabolisms in male-sterile anthers and male-sterility in HPGMR.  相似文献   
This paper deals with the electron microscopic observations of anther tissues and microsporogenesis of Tai Gu male sterile wheat plant, which is a new species initially discovered in Tai Gu nE Shansi province, China. The results are summarized as follows: 1. There was a tendency of early development of tapetum cells in Tai Gu sterile wheat plant, i.e. the tapetum cells seemed to have developed rapidly toward maturation between the period of pollen mother cell formation and prophase I of reduction division, which is followed by degeneration. Its ultrustructure is somewhat similar to the highly developed tapetum cells of fertile plant at the time of development from tetrad to early microspore stage. A significant character of the nltrastructure of the highly developed mature tapetum cells was the appearance of many sharply-defined endoplasmic reticulum, which demonstrated in a parallelly arranged structure in section. Phagocytic vacuoles were often surrounded by the endoplasmic reticulum. 2. At the prophase I of reduction division, the ultrastructure of pollen mother cells in sterile plant began to show some disparities from that of fertile pIant. Among which there were some concentric circle-shaped or bundle-shaped endoplasmic reticula and many ribosome aggregation in the pollen mother ceils of sterile plant. Perhaps, these features might be relevant to the break down of microtrabecular system. In addition, some large or small dark osmiophilic particles were visible in the cells. From all the feature observed, the fact that activities of endoplasmic reticulum in the anther of Tai Gu wheat is relation to protein synthesis warrants our attention.  相似文献   
The steroids of normal and male-sterile (Texas type) genotypes of maize were investigated during tassel development. A bioassay for estrogen activity of the normal meiotic and postmeiotic tassels was negative, indicating estrogen activity (estrone equivalent) much less than one ng/g of plant tissue. The sterols found were cholesterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, sitosterol, and probably isofucosterol, stigmast-7-enol, and 24-methylenecholesterol. In the premeiotic, meiotic, and postmeiotic stages of both genotypes between 300 and 400 μg of C28 and C29 free sterols per g tassels (wet wt) were found, the proportions of the sterols being ca 45% sitosterol, 30% stigmasterol, and 13% campesterol, with less than 5% each of the remaining sterols. In all three stages before saponification more free sterols were found in the normal than in the male-sterile tassels. The differences were significant at the 95% level in the meiotic and post-meiotic stages. The amounts of these sterols derived from esters decreased from approximately 140 μg/g in the premeiotic stage to 50 μg/g in the meiotic stage, and to an undetectable amount in the postmeiotic stage. After application of cholesterol-[4-14C] to the normal and male-sterile maize leaves for 3 days at meiosis, the label was found in the free sterols and steryl esters of the leaves but only in the free sterols of the tassels.  相似文献   
水稻光合日变化及光抑制的叶绿素荧光   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
研究了光敏核不育水稻(OryzasativaL.)农垦58S(NK58S)的光合日变化和光抑制。06:00~09:00,NK58S的光抑制不明显,此时的光合功能下调以叶黄素循环为主;10:00~12:00,耗散比能流(DIo/RC)及光反应中心关闭净速率(dV/dto)增加,受体侧电子传递受阻(yO下降),活性反应中心密度(Do)降低,NK58S光抑制加剧,PSⅡ反应中心发生失活。荧光暗弛豫分析与抑制剂处理结果表明,状态转换、叶黄素循环和PSⅡ反应中心失活均能有效保护NK58S免遭强光损伤。叶黄素循环相对于反应中心失活,前者是NK58S对强光胁迫的快速反应,在光强相对较弱时发挥主要作用,而后者在叶黄素循环达到饱和时对保护剩余活性反应中心起主要作用。  相似文献   

Background and Aims

Spontaneous male sterility is an advantageous trait for both constructing efficient pollination control systems and for understanding the developmental process of the male reproductive unit in many crops. A triallelic genetic male-sterile locus (BnMs5) has been identified in Brassica napus; however, its complicated genome structure has greatly hampered the isolation of this locus. The aim of this study was to physically map BnMs5 through an integrated map-based cloning strategy and analyse the local chromosomal evolution around BnMs5.


A large F2 population was used to integrate the existing genetic maps around BnMs5. A map-based cloning strategy in combination with comparative mapping among B. napus, Arabidopsis, Brassica rapa and Brassica oleracea was employed to facilitate the identification of a target bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) clone covering the BnMs5 locus. The genomic sequences from the Brassica species were analysed to reveal the regional chromosomal evolution around BnMs5.

Key Results

BnMs5 was finally delimited to a 0·3-cM genetic fragment from an integrated local genetic map, and was anchored on the B. napus A8 chromosome. Screening of a B. napus BAC clone library and identification of the positive clones validated that JBnB034L06 was the target BAC clone. The closest flanking markers restrict BnMs5 to a 21-kb region on JBnB034L06 containing six predicted functional genes. Good collinearity relationship around BnMs5 between several Brassica species was observed, while violent chromosomal evolutionary events including insertions/deletions, duplications and single nucleotide mutations were also found to have extensively occurred during their divergence.


This work represents major progress towards the molecular cloning of BnMs5, as well as presenting a powerful, integrative method to mapping loci in plants with complex genomic architecture, such as the amphidiploid B. napus.  相似文献   
以小麦T型细胞质雄性不育系为材料,利用双向电泳技术,对苗期、分蘖期、拔节期和孕穗期叶片和花粉母细胞减数分裂期、单核小孢子期、二—三核小孢子期蛋白质变化作了分析。在细胞质雄性不育系小麦拔节期、孕穗期叶片中,有一个33KD/PI6.3蛋白组分存在,保持系中没有发现这个蛋白组分。在花粉败育的关键时期二—三核小孢子期,小麦细胞质雄性不育系有53KD/PI5.5、50KD/PI5.7、48KD/PI5.6和20KD/PI7.5四种蛋白组分存在,而保持系中也没有存在。小麦细胞质雄性不育系叶片和小孢子发育过程中存在的这五种特异蛋白可能参与育性调控,与细胞质雄性不育特性的形成有关。  相似文献   
Plant morphogenesis is an intimate cooperation between environmental signals and a genetically-encoded developmental programme. Although all stages subsequent to floral induction may be influenced by daylength, the information available has come from diverse species during different morphogenetic events. This makes it difficult to investigate how photoperiodic signalling is integrated into various steps of the developmental programme. Here, we report that, in late japonica rice lines, morphogenetic events, including 12th leaf, axis of the main panicle, awn of the glum, anthers, elongation rate of internodes, and pollen fertility of the photoperiod-sensitive genic male-sterile (PGMS) rice, are significantly affected by daylength after panicle initiation. These data indicate that daylength affects many morphologic events, and that changes in morphology are mainly determined by the characteristics of the events themselves. These findings lay a foundation for future investigations into how potentially common photoperiodic signalling system(s) are integrated with diversified developmental events. In addition, we discussed the essential nature of PGMS rice.  相似文献   
Rice is one of the most important food crops. The temperature-sensitive genic male sterility (TGMS) system provides a great potential for improving food production by hybrids. The use of TGMS system is simple, inexpensive, effective, and eliminates the limitations of the conventional three-line system. A rice gene, tms2, generated by irradiation of a japonica variety has been reported to control TGMS in several rice lines. Previous studies reported genetic markers linked to this gene, and the gene was transferred to an aromatic Thai cultivar. Using information obtained from published databases, we located positions of the reported genetic markers flanking the gene in rice genomic sequences, and developed gene-based markers located inside the flanking markers for polymorphism detection. We found that inbred indica tms2 mutant plants contain about 1 Mb of japonica DNA, in which at least 70 kb was deleted. Using RT-PCR for expression analysis, four genes out of seven genes annotated as expressed proteins located inside the deletion showed expression in panicles. These genes could be responsible for TGMS phenotypes of tms2. In addition, we developed gene-based markers flanking and inside the deletion for selecting the tms2 gene in breeding populations. By genotyping 102 diverse rice lines including 38 Thai rice lines, 5 species of wild rice, and 59 exotic rice lines including TGMS lines and cultivars with desirable traits, a gene-based marker located inside the deletion and one flanking marker were shown to be highly specific for the tms2 mutant.  相似文献   
Ta1小麦轮选群体高分子量谷蛋白亚基组成分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用Ta1小麦 Ms2 创建改良小麦面包品质的优质群体,采用SDS-PAGE法对其2次互交轮回群体C2的HMW-GS组成进行了分析.结果表明:在供试的193个样品中各HMW-GS及其组成模式的频率不尽相同,Glu-A1、Glu-B1和Glu-D1位点上产生频率最高的亚基分别是1、14+15和2+12,各为54.40%、35.75%和60.10%,优质亚基5+10的频率为17.6%; null、14+15、2+12 模式产生频率最高,为13.47%,并有 14+15,5+10 的优质亚基聚合体出现,占5.2%;该群体也产生了亲本不具有的13、16、22亚基及19种新的HMW-GS组成模式.说明利用Ta1小麦轮回选择技术是创造新亚基类型的一个有效途径.  相似文献   
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